Simple ON OFF Touch Switch with 555 Schematic
Sunday, August 11, 2013
This simple ON OFF touch switch circuit is based on the well known timer IC 555 (IC1), which drives a relay that acts like a switch. The metal surfaces can have what form we want, but it should be clean and very close to the circuit.
Touch plate MP1 in order to close the contact of relay RL1 [ON], or plate MP2 in order to open the contact of RL1 [OFF]. The Led D2 turns on when the contacts of RL1 are closed. Two small pieces of metal can be used as sensor plates.

Parts List
R1 = R2 = 3.3M
R3 = 10K
R4 = 1K
C1 = 10nF
D1 = 1N4007
Q1 = BC547
IC = NE555
12V relay
Touch plate MP1 in order to close the contact of relay RL1 [ON], or plate MP2 in order to open the contact of RL1 [OFF]. The Led D2 turns on when the contacts of RL1 are closed. Two small pieces of metal can be used as sensor plates.
555 ON/OFF Touch Switch Schematic

Parts List
R1 = R2 = 3.3M
R3 = 10K
R4 = 1K
C1 = 10nF
D1 = 1N4007
Q1 = BC547
IC = NE555
12V relay