Infrared Cordless Headphone
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Using this low-cost project one can reproduce audio from TV without disturbing others. It does not use any wire connection between TV and headphones. In place of a pair of wires, it uses invisible infrared light to transmit audio signals from TV to headphones. Without using any lens, a range of up to 6 metres ispossible. Range can be extended by using lenses and reflectors with IR sensors comprising transmitters and receivers.

IR receiver uses 3-stage transistor amplifier. The first two transistors (T4 and T5) form audio signal amplifier while the third transistor T6 is used to drive a headphone. Adjust potmeter VR2 for max. clarity.
Direct photo-transistor towards IR LEDs of transmitter for max. range. A9-volt battery can be used with receiver for portable operation.