Touch Controlled Mute Switch Circuit Diagram
Friday, September 5, 2014
Here is another simple circuit to mute the volume of Audio devices through simple touch. It exploits the action of the flip-flops in the timer IC 555 to reduce the volume of the Audio amplifier. IC NE555 is designed in the toggle mode. Its lower and upper comparator inputs are connected to the touch plates which can be membrane switches or two pieces of conducting plates. The inputs of comparators are stabilized through R1 and R2 to avoid floating.
Touch controlled Mute switch circuit diagram

When the touch plate connected to pin 2 is touched momentarily, output of IC1 goes high and T1 conducts. The centre tap of the volume control is connected to the collector of T1. So when T1 conducts current going to the amplifier drains through T1. This reduces the volume.IC1 remains latched in this position with LED on. When the touch plate connected to pin 6 is touched momentarily, output of IC1 goes low and T1 turns off. This restores the volume.