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Touch Controlled Mute Switch Circuit Diagram

Posted by Unknown Friday, September 5, 2014 0 comments
Here is another simple circuit to mute the volume of Audio devices through simple touch. It exploits the action of the flip-flops in the timer IC 555 to reduce the volume of the Audio amplifier. IC NE555 is designed in the toggle mode. Its lower and upper comparator inputs are connected to the touch plates which can be membrane switches or two pieces of conducting plates. The inputs of comparators are stabilized through R1 and R2 to avoid floating. Touch controlled Mute switch circuit diagram When...

Dual Oscillator For Microcontrollers

Posted by Unknown Saturday, January 11, 2014 0 comments
The MAX7378 contains two oscillators and a power-on reset circuit for microprocessors. The Speed input selects either 32.768 kHz (LF) or a higher frequency, which is pre-programmed. The type number corresponds to the standard pre-programmed value and the value of the reset threshold. There is a choice of two threshold values: 2.56 V and 4.29 V.Both thresholds are available with all standard frequencies, which are 1 MHz, 1.8432 MHz, 3.39545 MHz, 3.6864 MHz, 4 MHz, 4.1943 MHz, and 8 MHz. However,...

The battery of this kind of good cell phone jammer

Posted by Unknown Friday, January 10, 2014 0 comments
The battery of this kind of good cell phone jammer is the durable type. Hybrid satellite and terrestrial solutions to the countries covered by geostationary satellites in low-power repeater network and the mobile base station co-location, to provide urban and indoor coverage. The manufacturers argue that, if you do not use the S-band in the country coverage of the DVB-H in UHF is not economical because it requires a large number of transmitter and receiver. The market is still before the analog...

22Watt Car Subwoofer Amplifier

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
22W into 4 Ohm power amplifier, Variable Low Pass Frequency: 70 – 150HzThis unit is intended to be connected to an existing car stereo amplifier, adding the often required extra "punch" to the music by driving a subwoofer. As very low frequencies are omnidirectional, a single amplifier is necessary to drive this dedicated loudspeaker. The power amplifier used is a good and cheap BTL (Bridge Tied Load) 13 pin IC made by Philips (now NXP Semiconductors) requiring a very low parts count and capable...

FM Transmitter

Posted by Unknown Thursday, January 9, 2014 0 comments
                                    Image of FM Transmitter                                    Circuit Diagram of FM TransmitterThe circuit...

there are two kinds of antennas of Cell Phone Jammers available

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
The accurate shielding can be performed to this kind of  Cell Phone Jammers  Master receive eight data loopback acknowledge bit, but directly back to your one stop signal to complete a read operation immediately; select the read mode, the master device first sends a start signal from the device address, and finally read data; continuous mode immediately read or choose to read the expansion immediately read or read operation to obtain a byte of data in the implementation of the master device...